Wednesday 14 December 2011

The sometimes frightening world of social networking - Take this lollipop if you dare!

I have just clicked onto something that I really shouldn't have done! It was absolute peer pressure and foolishly I gave in against my better judgement.

The link if anyone gets a kick out of being terrified:

Of course the fact that it was asking to connect with my Facebook should have made me quickly click the little x, but no, I had to do it!

All that I can say is that I am not going to sleep easily tonight.  Once entered you follow the camera to a man sitting at his computer. He looks like a character from The Hills Have Eyes or Wolf Creek (if you haven't seen either movie, don't!) He logs into Facebook and searches. To my horror my profile page came up. He scrolled through my pictures and my friends. He then types my location into Google maps and gets into the car with my profile picture stuck to the dash board.

To say that I am disturbed is an understatement! I am in a way, however, pleased that I have had this terrible experience. I have been forced to check my Facebook, Twitter and Blogger privacy settings, personal info and profile pictures. My Facebook profile picture was actually a picture of my 2 beautiful children making this even more disturbing.

So how much information are we really putting out there? Are we in any more danger from the 'bad people' then we ever have been or are we now super aware of all of the bad things that happen? Should we really post pictures of our children onto social networking/blogger sites? I really don't know the answers to any of these questions but I do know that whoever created that page is absolutely responsible for me getting no sleep tonight!!!

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