Thursday, 23 June 2011

Getting those creative juices flowing

So, I've just taken up a new hobby - Crochet! As a belated birthday present my lovely brother Kev and his gorgeous girl Vic bought me everything I needed to get myself crocheting (I think they felt that I needed a bit of inspiration) Surprisingly, I've actually managed to pick it up. I can proudly say that yesterday I completed my first 2 full projects:

Get ready for the ta da moment.......

Here is my lovely new cozy i-phone holder. My friend was recently given one from her pal and I instantly wanted one, so I thought how hard could it be?! I trawled the internet trying to find a decent pattern but to no avail and so I decided to just go for it and see what I ended up with.

I have honestly impressed myself.  Using crochet bible -  Encyclopedia of crochet techniques by Jan Easton I created this.  It took me an evening in front of the television (a good distraction from the uncomfortable viewing that is The Apprentice) and it was complete.  Even dear other half looked shocked that I had managed to create something useful.

My second creation is this bright pink hat with a flower on for my very girly girl Sophie. Her reaction when I gave it to her this morning made all of the unpicking and starting again so worth it.  She immediately put it on and paraded around the bedroom showing Daddy and Tom her new hat.

Never did I imagine that being creative would be so rewarding. As a kid I remember my Mum making me clothes and dressing up outfits for my nursery school. It amazed me that she was able to create such lovely things - she made it look so easy and I was super proud.  I've got a long way to go before I'm able to produce anything like she did but it feels so good knowing that I have started.

Now time to think of something to make little Tom Tom.

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