Monday, 2 January 2012

My eagerly awaited invite from Pinterest

Today I received my official invitation to join the Pinterest community, whoop whoop!! If I'm being totally honest I don't really know much about Pinterest and only came across it when a friend starting posting interesting pics onto her Facebook profile. 

Essentially, from what I can gather members create their own virtual pin boards of anything that they find interesting and want to share with the world. Now, this sort of thing wouldn't normally float my boat. I like to read people's thoughts and opinions rather than looking at an image that someone likes or would like to make/own/see.

So, how did Pinterest manage to make themselves appeal to me, make themselves interesting enough to ensure that I requested an invite? They made the club exclusive of course!!! You have to register your interest and then wait to be invited to join the community! Instantly I felt as though I was missing out on something huge and had an overwhelming urge to become a pin boarder!

You can imagine my excitement when I received my invite today! I've got myself pinning straight away and although I am just getting to grips with my new virtual world I can already say that I love it!! Sadly I know that this is going to become something else that takes up far too much of my time, but what the heck! 

Here's my first pin

A must for any parent!!!!

So if you haven't already done so get yourself over there. You can follow me on Pinterest here

Happy pinning!!

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